Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What does an asthma attack feel like?

For those of you who have experienced them, could you explain what they feel like in full detail? I'm interested.
for me, its a cough that starts small, then gets wheezy within minutes, and then doesn't stop. You feel like there is no air, literally gasping down a lungful of nothing. Sort of like a scuba mask with someones fingers over most of the airway.
It hurts, and sometimes you don't even realise you are having an attack because you are running out of air and can't think straight. So family members should be trained to listen and watch for the signs too. I have medicine so it doesn't bother me at all.if I have an attack, I get over it. I don't have them often luckily.
It feels like breathing through a moist straw. Your chest gets tight, and you can't get the air you need.
I have been asthmatic for 11 years now.
I am an adult.
An asthma attack is very frightening. Your chest tightens up to the point that it feels like pressure on it, like something is sitting on your chest %26 you cannot take Deep enough breaths for anything.
Coughing %26 wheezing are usually included in my asthma attacks.
I keep my inhaler close to me at all times, but when I first developed asthma, as an adult, I did not accept that it would change my life %26 would take walks w/o my inhaler--- those were some of my worst attacks. I could barely make it back w/o passing out from lack of oxygen, it seemed.
The feeling is very scary, so much so, that I puff my inhaler at the slightest twinge of tight chest now. It just feels nicer to be breathing w/o a restriction. The site below gives details on this, too.

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