Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What does cancer noduals mean?

when the doctor says youve got noduals on your liver,chest and kidneys(ive had skin cancer for four years)and this was found when i had some scans done
It means that the cancer has metastasized.You need to talk seriously with your doctor if he didn't tell you what this meant.When a cancer is advanced enough it begins to 'seed' by sending out microscopic or small cancer cells to other parts of the body. It does this by seeding into the blood stream or lymphatic system. The microscopic cancer cells travel throughout the body and lodge at sites distant from the original cancer. Because the blood pumps through the liver one of the first places to find a metastasis is in the liver. Other places are the lungs, kidney's and/or brain.Nodules are small, new tumors beginning to form. A nodule can be malignant or it can be benign. But, if you already have cancer and they spot new nodules in three different areas on a scan. The doctor will suspect that this is a metastasis or new malignant tumor starting to grow. If the nodule is too small on the scan for anyone to really be sure what they are looking at, the doctor may elect to wait for three months and do another scan. If the nodules grow larger than they will know that it is a metastasis. If there is no growth than he might suspect something else less sinister.Good luck with this.

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