Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What does it feel like to be put under general anesthesia? Read on plz?

I am curious what it feels like right as your going out, is it like blacking out, fading away, etc... I am having anxiety over this and would like some answers from people who have experienced it!
Honestly, you won't feel a thing. Even if they do ask you to count, and usually they don't - except in movies... you will not feel anything when you go under. They'll tell you when they are starting, and tell you to relax and breathe normally. It's just like falling asleep. No worries, really!
It doesn't really feel like much. Basically they'll administer the anesthetic and tell you to count backward from 100. Usually you start fading away by about 95, and most people are completely out by 93 or 90. When you wake up you won't remember much about it and you won't realize how long you've been asleep for. Hope this helps, don't worry, you'll be fine.
oh its nothing to worry about you will just start to feel sleeepy and you will want to close your eyes. thats it. Nothing scary.
You don't feel anything. relax, because you certainly will when they put you out.
Good luck. You will be fine!
Well for me I don't really even remember counting backwards and I've been put to sleep many, many times. Well at least 6 in my adult life. I too get nervous about being put to sleep so I ususally tell the anethesiologist that I'm very nervous and they give me the who cares juice shot in my IV before I'm taken to the operating room. I mean usually the closer time it gets to my scheduled time the more my blood pressure goes up and they tend to want to keep me calm. So I get wheeled to the operating room and they help me onto the table and I lay down and I remember a few nurses and doctors talking to me but I don't remember much after that til I get to the recovery room. Now that's a different story because the last time I was put to sleep I heard a male nurse talking and he was talking to the nurse who was taking care of me. Well I remembered him subconciously from a surgery 4 years before and called out his name. And needless to say it freaked him and my other nurse out. But they knew that I was awake enough to sit up and eat crackers and have coke.
Its a weird feeling. I cried the first time going in for surgery because it was such a new experience.
You MUST NOT eat ANYTHING or you will feel super sick afterwards.
The weirdest feeling for me wasnt going under, it was that the last thing I remembered was right before the surgery and I had no recollection of what happened during...Im a person that likes to keep my wits about me, so I hated not knowing exactly what happened.
You will be fine!! The nurses and doctors understand that you are nervous and act accordingly.
I have been under several times for various medical procedures. It is usually as quick as turning off a light at the switch. You then wake up in the recovery room,often with no ill effects. Ill effects, if any, will be bouts of nausea which will pass in a few hours or less. Answer your anesthetists questions as fully and honestly as you can as the choice of anesthesia depends on this and may avoid the nausea(which is annoying, but harmless)
They give you it through a line in the back of your hand and ask you to count back from 10 i got to 5, i had a four hour op then it just seemed as though i was still counting back 4 3 2 1 then i said to the nurse "am i going in yet" and she said you're all done and we will take you up to the ward soon,so i really didn't know what it was like as such, the worst of it is putting the line in in the first place.Also you are so dosed up with pain killers after you don't feel much pain i would never be nervous at having an operation again. Good luck to you.
The time I had it, The doctor was talking to me, and then I suddenly was no longer conscious, really really fast. No fading away, just alert, then out.

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