Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What does it feel like to be put under general anesthesia? Read on plz?

I am curious what it feels like right as your going out, is it like blacking out, fading away, etc... I am having anxeity over this and would like some answers from people who have experienced it!
The worst part is the needle...then, it's up to you. Try your very best to relax. Just keep in mind that this will not hurt you in any way, shape or form. You will slowly sink into a state of unconsiousness and, while doing this, you may experience confusion and/or memory loss. These are only temporary (no exeptions!). You will eventually black out, but, by then, you will feel like you're watching a movie, and will experience no pain or fear. Your thoughts probably will not make sense. When you wake up, you will be confused and will probably repeat things many times. Have someone else drive you home!
it depends on what drug they use=some ,you black out =some,you fade out
Neither. Your awake one second then it feels like moments later you wake up. If you are awake during this, you kind of know whats going on but its comforting. Theres nothing to worry about. Its a pleasant experience.
It really is nothing to worry about at all. It sort of feels like you are really relaxed and then pretty quickly you just sort of fall asleep. Also an added bonus is most anesthesia creates amnesia, so you will only remember what happens just before you go out.
you do basically black out but its just like going to sleep... it takes you a while to become coherent after you wake up but you are in good hands trust me. I've been threw it quite a few times... you will be just fine
You asked this a few days ago...perhaps you were under anesthesia...I'm betting that you are a bumb a** though is closer to the correct answer.
I've had general anesthesia 3 times. All I can recall is that I just faded away. Then I was waking up and the surgery was all over. I recall absolutely nothing in between. Please don't worry, it is not an unpleasant experience at all.
I've been put out 5 times! Each time, they told me to count backwards from 10. I think I only got to 7. It made me a little nervous to have the mask put over my face, but it goes so quickly, it's not that big of a deal.One of the times I remember feeling the medicine go through my veins, for some reason I felt the same feeling for weeks afterwards. May have been mental, though.Also, one of the times I had a very hard time breathing after I woke up. I remember saying I couldnt breathe and a nurse tell me if I can talk, I can breathe.If you have asthma, or any other condition, make sure your doctor knows about it.Good luck, you'll be fine.
if they put the gas on your face (like they did mine for wisdom teeth) and its just like you fade away and then you wake up, its really ok you shouldnt stress over it, it was actually fun, i tried to stay awake as hard as possible lol but you just fade pretty quickly
its like this, you wake up and ask when are they going to start, chill, its all ok.
I take it you are getting ready for surgery or knows someone who is?
Well for me all 9 times it was more of a deep sleep ..my eyes started getting really ,really heavy!
also most of the time before they give you the medicines through the IV to put you to sleep they usually give you either by mouth or your IV a mild sedative to help ease your anxiety !
It works!Hope %26 pray all goes well!
I've been through surgeries before at least a few times and they used ansethesia- it really doesn't hure- you just feel like you're falling asleep... I can barely even remember what it feels like because they put the mask on you and then all of a sudden your surgery is over and you're back in your hospital room. It's actually not unpleasant at all, unless you don't like needles... If you are afraid of the needle, just look away. ;)

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