Sunday, October 25, 2009

What do people mix into cocaine that can kill you?

Some common additives are mannitol, lactose, glucose, sugar substitutes, tetracaine, procaine, lidocaine, quinine, talc, cornstarch, heroin, codeine, amphetamine, phencyclidine (PCP), LSD, hashish... some dealers add whatever household product happens to be around, like baking powder, baking soda, powdered drain cleaner (Drano), powdered scrubbing cleanser (Comet)... look in your cabinets and under you sink, and most of what you see has probably been added to cocaine at some point. Some drug dealers mix this stuff into their cocaine and laugh about it. Maybe some of these additives won't kill you, but they won't help your health either.
Since cocaine hydrochloride is mixed or cut with other chemicals, people have no idea if the dose will be strong or weak. These other chemicals may include fillers, such as talcum powder, which are added purely to boost profits. 鈥楩reebase鈥?cocaine or 鈥榗rack鈥?is processed differently and can be smoked; this type is still rarely used in Australia. Common slang terms for cocaine include 鈥榗oke鈥? 鈥榖low鈥?and 鈥榮tardust鈥? is sometimes "cut," or mixed, with things that look like it, such as cornstarch or talcum powder, or with other drugs, such as local anesthetics or amphetamines.
rat poison is one of the most popular.there's a million things though.

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