Saturday, October 31, 2009

What Do You Think Of Anthony Colpo's Book "The Great Cholesterol Con"?

Have you read it?
No.Razwell, we already know that you have read it and think it is the greatest book every written. Why do you keep answering your own questions? Do you really think we don't know that you are the same person?Here is a list of all your aliases so far: Razwell, Razzi, Oldman, CholesterolFraud, Mike, Ashley, MissStinkyButt, and AustrailianGirl.
Yes I have read it. I think it's a 368 page DEMOLITION JOB of the cholesterol theory of coronary heart disease. Study after study is referenced.- over 100 pages of references
Mountians of valid contradictory scientific evidence is IGNORED by Lipid Hypothesis proponenetsAnthony Colpo will give a full refund to anyone who still thinks cholesterol causes CHD after reading his book.
Haven't read it, but from what I see on his web page, I agree.
No need to buy the book though- the same info is readily available.
To quote from a REAL book..."A Tale of Sound %26 Fury, told by an idiot, signifying nothing."BTW, 2 violations. One for the "question", one for the "answer"

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